Monthly Payments




On Time and On Budget, Every time!

Your next painting project just became more affordable

  • NCR Pro-Painting financing now available with an easy and affordable payment plan from Financeit.
  • Fixed terms and monthly payments.
  • Lower interest rates than most credit cards.
  • No penalties for paying a loan off early.

*Subject to credit approval. Interest rate applies to 60-month term only.

What is Financeit?

Financeit is a market-leading payments solution that allows you to apply for affordable monthly payment plans for your big projects or purchases.

Financeit’s fast and easy application process, competitive rates and flexible plan options help you turn possibilities into reality.

Financeit is a Canadian financing company helping Canadians find flexible and easy options to make their next large purchase.

Why Financeit?

Flexible payments on your terms

1. Payment plans can be as short as 12 months and can extend for up to 15 years; meaning monthly debits are more affordable for those big purchases.
2. Plus, you can always change course. Our loans are completely open, so you can pay off the balance at any time with no penalties.

Competitive rates and fair programs

1. We pride ourselves on being transparent with our customers.
2. Our rates are lower than the interest rates on most credit cards and our contracts don’t include sneaky terms or hidden fees.

Best-in-class customer service

1. We send advance notice by email when payments are due.
2. We’re always available to answer your questions, either over email or on the phone.

Instant credit decisions and secure applications

1. Unlike with other types of loans, you’ll know within seconds whether you qualify for credit and how much you’re eligible to borrow.
2. Our quick, efficient process mean no hassles or wasted time.
3. We use bank-level encryption and your merchant (NCR Pro-Painting) won’t be able to see your personal details.